Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014

History of Enggano Island

Enggano Island is located in North Bengkulu district. The origin name of “Enggano” Island has several versions. First, the name of Enggano isn’t a vocabulary of Tempatan, but it’s a name of the European voyagers, when Cornelis de Houtman come in to the island yet. The island has been named as Enggano which in Portuguese means "kesalahan" or in English "mistake, error". Second, when Cornelis de Houtman did expedition with four expeditions ship which called Mauritius, Hollandia, Amsterdam and Duyfken, he wrote a note: ”on June 5, 1596, He arrived at the first Island of the East Indian: Enggano Island which is located in the west of South Sumatra Island”. Thus, the earliest Enggano Island published is that of Cornelis de Houtman dating from June 5, 1596, but the origin name of Enggano already exists before Cornelis de Houtman arrived in that Island.
Between April 25 and July 13, 1891, Elio Modigliani who is Italian explorer visited Enggano Island. He detailed the apparently dominant role of women in Enggano culture in L'Isola delle Donne (The Island of Women), first published in 1894. The Rijksmuseum has an important collection of Enggano artifacts and their publication by Pieter J.ter Keurs reproduces Modigliani's drawings.
Enggano Island may now serve as an isolated area of water sports especially for surfing and diving.

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